.. _l10n: Localisation ============ For Localisers/Translators -------------------------- .. image:: https://hosted.weblate.org/widgets/portmod/-/portmod/open-graph.png :alt: Translation status :target: https://hosted.weblate.org/engage/portmod/ Portmod’s internationalization is handled using `Project Fluent `__. Weblate ~~~~~~~ Localisation can be done using `Portmod's Weblate Project `__. For Portmod Developers ---------------------- Text displayed to the user should be output using the `portmodlib.l10n:l10n <../apidoc/portmodlib.l10n.html#portmodlib.l10n.l10n>`__ function, and added to the source localisation file ``l10n/en-GB/main.ftl``. Also see `Good Practices for Developers `__ Internally, the localisation is done using `fluent-rs `__ and compiled into portmod's rust extension. The localisations themselves are also compiled into the rust extension, so after adding localisations it is also necessary to either rebuild the rust extension or to build the extension in debug mode where it will read the files directly from the filesystem at runtime (see :ref:`dev-setup`).